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A researcher’s guide to the galaxy - and the world of data sharing

22 August 2017

Here at Call for Participants, we know very well how research data is the cornerstone of research, which is why we try to make access to human data as easy as possible. But as a researcher, once you have that data, should you share it?

That is the question our research and co-design colleagues from Jisc explored in their recent article on the Jisc blog.

Astronomy is an example of open data already leading to better research, with less duplication and more progress. However, open mustn’t mean 'available to anyone at any time', to avoid data being used for negative purposes and ensure that sensitive data is handled correctly. Furthermore, just having all the data out there can make it harder to explore - open simply means that data is both discoverable and reusable.

Read more on data sharing, its benefits and challenges on the Jisc blog

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